Monday 22 October 2012

Walking in the desert

Our campsite was in an area called "Hole in the Wall"

We went on a clamber through some of the holes in the wall. Some were so steep that the Park Rangers had drilled some metal rings into the sides to help people climb around!

The holes in the rocks were made when a volcano exploded and the ash landed here, and melted together with small air bubbles in, which then grew bigger as rain and rivers wore them away.

It was another hot day in the desert... No clouds and lots of bright sunshine. No chance of a suntan though, we were both wearing hats, shirts and lots of suncream so that we wouldn't get sunburnt here. We are high up here (5,000 feet) and the air is very thin and dry, which made us very thirsty, so we had to drink lots of water...

After our hike around Barber's Peak, we jumped back in the car and then stopped by some funny looking rocks.

YouTube Video

These rocks are called a "tor" and have been left behind in the desert as all the other rocks around them have been worn away by the wind and rain over millions of years.

They were great fun to jump around on too!

Papa's holding the camera...

YouTube Video

Location:Mojave National Preserve


  1. This all looks amazing, what fun - from the Park to the beach to the desert. Glad you are out of bear range, hope there arent too many snakes and spiders and creepie crawlies!
    I think those rocks look like huge potatoes!

  2. Here's the latest sickness report: Miriam is still under the weather, but only sick twice today! No one else has caught it yet. Esther wants to tell you that Mama's friend Emily from school is here.
