Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Back home!

Waiting for our luggage at Heathrow...

And guess who was waiting for us!

With home-made signs!

So glad to be home!

Location:Solomon's Hill,Rickmansworth,United Kingdom

Monday, 29 October 2012

At San Francisco Airport

At the airport waiting for our flight....

And looking forward to getting home!

It's still lovely and sunny and warm here. We hope it's as sunny and warm in England at the moment!

See you in 11 hours!

Location:International Terminal Departures,Millbrae,United States

the magic waffle maker!


YouTube Video

Three minutes later:

YouTube Video

Enjoying our waffles!

Location:N Harding Blvd,Roseville,United States

The wedding!

Here's Papa with a lady called Kimberly at the rehearsal dinner the night before the wedding.  It was at a big posh restaurant.

Here's everyone arriving at the place where the wedding was to take place...  It was very hot, and fortunately we brought our emergency sun cream which we were able to hand out to all the other guests from England.

Here are the bride and groom getting married...

They arrived on the back of a funny golf cart...

Here's our friend Ruth...

Here's Daddy talking to Emily, one of the bridesmaids...

There was a huge cake, with chocolate, raspberry and pumpkin flavour icecream inside...

This is Sarah and her daughter Gracie, who are going to be on the flight back to London with us today...

And here is the big car which came to take the bride and groom home at the end of the evening...

We're off to the airport now to get our flight - and we're REALLY looking forward to seeing you when we get back!!!!!

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Breakfast in Reno

We stopped for breakfast in a town called Reno. Papa ordered a tasty breakfast omelette.

Daddy asked the waitress for the most popular breakfast... this was a Mexican style breakfast called Huevos Rancheros with pinto beans, coleslaw, melon and hash browns. There is also a pancake and two fried eggs hiding under the runny Mexican sauce. It tasted much better than it looked!

Location:Reno, Nevada

Friday, 26 October 2012

Driving through the Nevada Desert

We did a lot of driving today...

We were still up very high (6,000 ft) and drove past lots of stripey mountains.

And then drove down into a big flat area called a basin. Lots of rivers here do not go to the sea, but just flow into a basin like this one and just dry out in the desert heat.

There were a lot of Joshua trees here. The Mormans who first arrived here called theses yucca palms Joshua trees because they have arms that look like they are pointing; they thought they pointed towards the promised land.

Do you think Daddy is pointing the right way?

Papa liked taking photos of the Joshua Trees. Can you spot the big yellow bus taking children home after their day at school?

Spot our little red car...

"Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear." Really?

Location:High desert in Nevada

The Extra-Terrestrial Highway

We drove along a stretch of road called The Extra-Terrestrial Highway, because lots of people have said they have seen aliens and flying saucers in the area.

Can you spot any aliens?

The highway goes through a town called Rachel.

The next petrol station is in Tonopah! Eek...

We stopped and had an Alien Burger at the Little A'Le'Inn (pronounced Alien)

They were getting ready for Halloween.

We didn't see any flying saucers...

Location:Rachel, Nevada

Thursday, 25 October 2012

In the forests of Utah

This is the view from our motel window...

Here's Papa making breakfast...

Then we drove up into the forest...

Where it got very cold!

It was so cold that there was snow on the ground!

Here's Papa with a Bristlecone pine tree - they live up to 4500 years old, and are the oldest living things anywhere!

Bits of them die as they get older, but the wood grows so slowly and densely that the dead bits stay for hundreds of years to protect the living bits.

The living bits have bark, and the dead bits have lost their bark...

This sign warns that there is a danger of avalanche, where all the snow falls downs onto the road. This time next week we would have to have special chains to go on your wheels to drive a car through here once the road snows up.

Can you spot our bright red car?

This restaurant makes Papa burgers!

Location:Dixie National Forest, Utah