This is the view from our motel window...
Here's Papa making breakfast...
Then we drove up into the forest...
Where it got very cold!
It was so cold that there was snow on the ground!
Here's Papa with a Bristlecone pine tree - they live up to 4500 years old, and are the oldest living things anywhere!
Bits of them die as they get older, but the wood grows so slowly and densely that the dead bits stay for hundreds of years to protect the living bits.
The living bits have bark, and the dead bits have lost their bark...
This sign warns that there is a danger of avalanche, where all the snow falls downs onto the road. This time next week we would have to have special chains to go on your wheels to drive a car through here once the road snows up.
Can you spot our bright red car?
This restaurant makes Papa burgers!
Location:Dixie National Forest, Utah